The Role Social Media Plays in Advertising

We all know social media has taken over many aspects of our lives..parents & grandparents use it to reach out to old friends and family members, recruiters use it to make or break a prospective employee, young adults and teens use it to find out breaking news before it hits television, and business now use it for advertising.

I will be the first to admit social media consumes a large part of my day whether I log in to Facebook to connect with my friends, update my Twitter feed about the newest episode of Dexter, or check out my LinkdIn profile to see how my networking is going.

Social media is here whether people like it or not & for advertisers this may be a gift from (the advertising) god. Why, you ask?? There are millions of people on sites such a Facebook & Twitter and with the click of a button they can get their advertisements, sales, special promos, & coupons out to those millions of people at minimal cost.All you have to do is "follow" them on Twitter or "like" their Facebook page.

Yep, it's that easy.

Here's a short clip to give you an idea of just how big social networking sites really are these days:

In my opinion advertiser's biggest outlet is at the tip of their fingertips, and technology is just getting started.

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