"Black Friday" Advertisments

Black Friday.
People love it, or they hate it. I myself, being completely and totally OBSESSED with Christmas, love it. Black Friday marks the start of the Christmas holiday season and somehow watching people stand in like OVERNIGHT, yes, overnight for a decent deal on a TV puts me in that Christmas spirit. However I'm no veteran at this is crazed event, my first year was only 2 years ago but it was definitely a night I will not forget anytime soon. The atmosphere is just wild! ..And when I say wild I am referring to a jungle-like atmosphere. I won't even go into depth on the things I witnessed that frigged night or I'd be here all afternoon. However, I do want to talk about how large corporate companies such as WalMart & Target have taken on their approach to Black Friday and why I think it's been successful.

In the past I've seen advertisements here and there for the Black Friday deals held by WalMart and Target a couple of weeks before Black Friday but it looks like they've changed their whole dynamic this past year- you may know what I'm referring to. I'm sure we've all seen the crazed Target lady commercial where shes working out and practicing to be in tip-top shape for the Black Friday holiday. If not- here's one of the commercials:

In this advertisement Target didn't even showcase their Black Friday specials. Was this smart on their part? Maybe. By not showing any price-cut advertisements it may leave the viewer wondering what the Black Friday deals are. The viewer's next move would be to go to online. While on the Target website, the consumer will now be able to see every single one of the Black Friday specials that wouldn't have all been able to fit on the initial commercial with the crazy Target lady, and "viola!" another Black Friday shopper standing outside Target's door. Target is not the only corporate company to use the idea of a psycho middle aged women however, WalMart also thought the idea would be a good one. Take a look..

I think it's safe to say that Black Friday isn't going anywhere anytime soon, so for those of you who would rather lock your doors and hibernate into a food coma all day/night..proceed. As for the companies and their advertisers, this is music to their years. Having worked retail for 3 years of my short life it is known that large companies, and even small ones, rely on Black Friday to make up almost half of their annual sales- this may put into perspective just how popular this one day alone is. So, with all this being said, I encourage all the brave ones out there to bundle up next year and give Black Friday a shot even if there's nothing you have in mind to buy- I can bet you'll still go home with a trunk-full and you can say you've witnessed the wild jungle that is Black Friday.

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