Advertisments Targeting Children

When I Googled "ads targeting kids" the first image that captured my screen was an ad for

It is said that we are exposed to hundreds of thousands of ads daily without even realizing it. But realistically, as adults, we also have multiple thoughts and ideas running through our brain every second- "What time is my meeting today?" "Where is my appointment this afternoon?" "What am I going to make for dinner for the family when I get home?" ..We have learned to tune the advertisements out and look past them. Now think, as a child, what is on their mind all day? "Who am I going to sit by at lunch?" Children lead a much more simplistic lifestyle so when they are hit with an ad like..McDonald's..that becomes the only thing on their mind. And they won't stop until they get it.

This information is crucial to advertisers because they are now having to gear their ads towards a younger audience. They know if they can capture that 6 year old's attention with a Happy Meal or Ronald McDonald, they have this customer, and the rest of their family in the bag.

What things might these advertisers have to do to snag their target group?
  • create a fun, catchy, and simple tune that is easy for a child to sing along with
  • use bright and fun colors that will grab the kids attention
  • showcase a unique toy that may be included in a kid's meal (for fast food ads)
  • show a memorable character or person the child may already know/relate to (Ronald McDonald)
  • have the commercial showing kids interacting/talking with their parents about the subject to encourage they do the same, resulting in the parent giving into their child's wants.

With children being so influential companies may not find it difficult to advertise to them, and if they can pull the children in at a young enough age the chances that these kids stay loyal over the years are good.

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