Public Service Announcments

"Anything you post online..anyone can see."

PSA's have been around since the beginning of World War 2. To some, they may seem a little silly, but it has been proven that public service announcements are actually rather effective.

"The PSA's proved so effective that smoking rates
began to decline for the first time in history, the
tobacco industry withdrew all cigarette advertising,
and Congress made such advertising illegal after 1971."
-George Dessart

What do I think of PSA's? Although I feel the writing & acting is rather childish, I can see they are inevitably successful and especially among teens- who are the ones the ads are being geared towards the most. The stories I hear these days about kids in middle school, yes, MIDDLE SCHOOL drinking, doing drugs, and having sex completely disgusts and saddens me at the same time. It is important we, as the older and influential generation reach out to those younger than us and educate them in the harm their actions can bring unto themselves and the loved ones around them. So, as cheesy as they may seem, I feel the advertising dollars that are going towards Public Service Announcements is money money well spent.

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