Brand Loyalty

I cannot relate to this next example so much as I know my boyfriend can. BRAND LOYALTY. The notion of brand loyalty was just brought to my attention within the past year and I can honestly say I will I have noticed it more and more ever since. It was a couple of years ago I saw the Mac vs PC commercial and never really gave it too much thought. After I had learned about brand loyalty though it makes much more sense to me. The two companies are differentiating themselves and almost forcing their consumers to choose between the two. I found myself noticing that a large population of people who have Macbooks also have Iphones, and some still have Ipods (such as my boyfriend). I myself have a HP laptop and an HTC Evo phone- never really have gotten into the whole craze of the I(insert technology here).

The video above is only one of many in which Apple is in a way bashing PC's and pointing out all of their flaws. Is it a little sneaky and conniving? Yes. But is it smart? Yes. Those who are already on the Apple bandwagon I believe are there to stay. They see the Apple logo and they resonate trust with the product. I find myself in the same situation when it comes to other brands on many different levels whether it be hair products & toiletries all the way to food products and clothing lines. Once a consumer finds a brand they trust and respect they tend to stay loyal to it until given a reason not to. The advertisers may have to undermine competitive brands along the way but to some, all is fair in the life of Advertising.

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