ASPCA Advertisments

I was recently exposed to a series of ads created by the ASPCA that really triggered a number of different emotions within me. I'll let the pictures do the talking.

Below the images reads; "Whatever you can imagine. We've seen worse." Now some people may think this advertisement takes things a little too far with the images of fire crackers, super glue, and a bunny- insinuating the firecrackers will be glued to the bunny and then..we know what happens from there. But the harsh reality is that things like this do happen and the ASPCA is trying to spread awareness and raise money to help animals live a better and long life free of abuse.

Things like the pictures shown above are prevalent not only in big cities but also in our small towns such as Oshkosh. I remember an incident back in the beginning of summer if I recall that the animal shelter received a phone call from someone saying they had come across a cat that had been burned alive. They immediately took the cat to the animal hospital and have been performing physical therapy and surgeries on her ever since. They named her "Bernice" and she has actually become a nation-wide phenomenon- raising over $10,000 from all over the world from people who hear her story and fall in love with the little feline.

Although the ads from the ASPCA may be somewhat controversial, especially if a young child saw the pictures, it helps raise awareness that this is really happening in our society. People are not just starving and abandoning their pets but they're going so far as to torture them and this needs to stop. Which is why although the ads I have shown deeply sadden me, they are necessary to raise awareness on how bad this situation has really become.

"Black Friday" Advertisments

Black Friday.
People love it, or they hate it. I myself, being completely and totally OBSESSED with Christmas, love it. Black Friday marks the start of the Christmas holiday season and somehow watching people stand in like OVERNIGHT, yes, overnight for a decent deal on a TV puts me in that Christmas spirit. However I'm no veteran at this is crazed event, my first year was only 2 years ago but it was definitely a night I will not forget anytime soon. The atmosphere is just wild! ..And when I say wild I am referring to a jungle-like atmosphere. I won't even go into depth on the things I witnessed that frigged night or I'd be here all afternoon. However, I do want to talk about how large corporate companies such as WalMart & Target have taken on their approach to Black Friday and why I think it's been successful.

In the past I've seen advertisements here and there for the Black Friday deals held by WalMart and Target a couple of weeks before Black Friday but it looks like they've changed their whole dynamic this past year- you may know what I'm referring to. I'm sure we've all seen the crazed Target lady commercial where shes working out and practicing to be in tip-top shape for the Black Friday holiday. If not- here's one of the commercials:

In this advertisement Target didn't even showcase their Black Friday specials. Was this smart on their part? Maybe. By not showing any price-cut advertisements it may leave the viewer wondering what the Black Friday deals are. The viewer's next move would be to go to online. While on the Target website, the consumer will now be able to see every single one of the Black Friday specials that wouldn't have all been able to fit on the initial commercial with the crazy Target lady, and "viola!" another Black Friday shopper standing outside Target's door. Target is not the only corporate company to use the idea of a psycho middle aged women however, WalMart also thought the idea would be a good one. Take a look..

I think it's safe to say that Black Friday isn't going anywhere anytime soon, so for those of you who would rather lock your doors and hibernate into a food coma all day/night..proceed. As for the companies and their advertisers, this is music to their years. Having worked retail for 3 years of my short life it is known that large companies, and even small ones, rely on Black Friday to make up almost half of their annual sales- this may put into perspective just how popular this one day alone is. So, with all this being said, I encourage all the brave ones out there to bundle up next year and give Black Friday a shot even if there's nothing you have in mind to buy- I can bet you'll still go home with a trunk-full and you can say you've witnessed the wild jungle that is Black Friday.

Advertising Campaigns-Dove

As a Journalism Major with an emphasis in Public Relations I'm all about a good campaign. While in my Mass Communication class the other week I was shown a video created by Dove campaigning for "Real Beauty Workshops for Girls."

Here's the video:

I found this very intriguing. The "Evolution" video has well over 3,500,000 hits on YouTube and I feel sends a strong message to all women, especially young teens. They get a chance to see this average looking women who is not stick thin being transformed into this supermodel with flawless skin posted up on a billboard. It makes them realize that very few people in this world really look that good without ANY help. It gives a new outlook to women who's idea of beauty is completely skewed.

The "Evolution" video was only one of many advertised by Dove including a "Pro-age Campaign" and an "Onslaught Campaign" in which I will include the video for that at the bottom of this post. Dove's Beauty Campaign may be one of the most influential and successful viral campaigns we have seen in a long time.

Dove "Onslaught" video

Brand Loyalty

I cannot relate to this next example so much as I know my boyfriend can. BRAND LOYALTY. The notion of brand loyalty was just brought to my attention within the past year and I can honestly say I will I have noticed it more and more ever since. It was a couple of years ago I saw the Mac vs PC commercial and never really gave it too much thought. After I had learned about brand loyalty though it makes much more sense to me. The two companies are differentiating themselves and almost forcing their consumers to choose between the two. I found myself noticing that a large population of people who have Macbooks also have Iphones, and some still have Ipods (such as my boyfriend). I myself have a HP laptop and an HTC Evo phone- never really have gotten into the whole craze of the I(insert technology here).

The video above is only one of many in which Apple is in a way bashing PC's and pointing out all of their flaws. Is it a little sneaky and conniving? Yes. But is it smart? Yes. Those who are already on the Apple bandwagon I believe are there to stay. They see the Apple logo and they resonate trust with the product. I find myself in the same situation when it comes to other brands on many different levels whether it be hair products & toiletries all the way to food products and clothing lines. Once a consumer finds a brand they trust and respect they tend to stay loyal to it until given a reason not to. The advertisers may have to undermine competitive brands along the way but to some, all is fair in the life of Advertising.

Advertising with Viral Videos

"Viral Marketing" is a somewhat new advertising strategy being used to pass on images or videos of a product to help market the product worldwide.

I was recently shown a video titled the "Cadbury Gorilla." A funny video meant to advertise Cadbury Chocolate. The video is of a gorilla playing the drums along to Phil Collins- "Coming in the Air Tonight." Who wouldn't want to pass this on? But does it sell chocolate bars? I'll let you be the judge of that.

I'm not quite sure the video gives me the urge to run to the store and buy a bar of Cadbury Chocolate but there's no question that this would be an example of a "viral" video because as of about...2 seconds ago the video on YouTube alone has 6,045,800 hits. If advertisers can find something catchy and out there- such as a gorilla playing the drums to a classic song- they'll have a greater chance of marketing their product in a way that no one will forget. At least until we see a video of a miniature kissing giraffe..

Miss Representation

I briefly touched on the roles women play in advertising in one of my earlier posts but I was shown a short video trailer by a fellow classmate of mine elaborating on how the media portrays women and thought I would share it. I think it speaks for itself.

The Role Social Media Plays in Advertising

We all know social media has taken over many aspects of our lives..parents & grandparents use it to reach out to old friends and family members, recruiters use it to make or break a prospective employee, young adults and teens use it to find out breaking news before it hits television, and business now use it for advertising.

I will be the first to admit social media consumes a large part of my day whether I log in to Facebook to connect with my friends, update my Twitter feed about the newest episode of Dexter, or check out my LinkdIn profile to see how my networking is going.

Social media is here whether people like it or not & for advertisers this may be a gift from (the advertising) god. Why, you ask?? There are millions of people on sites such a Facebook & Twitter and with the click of a button they can get their advertisements, sales, special promos, & coupons out to those millions of people at minimal cost.All you have to do is "follow" them on Twitter or "like" their Facebook page.

Yep, it's that easy.

Here's a short clip to give you an idea of just how big social networking sites really are these days:

In my opinion advertiser's biggest outlet is at the tip of their fingertips, and technology is just getting started.

Humorous Ads

People like funny..
People want humorous..
People buy entertaining..

People don't like boring..
People don't want lame..
People don't buy stupid..

Celebrity Endorsed Ads

Just because you are Jennife
r Lopez and you are driving a Fiat, does not mean that I now want a Fiat.

I feel that advertisers spend too much money booking celebs to be apart of their ads, when in reality an everyday average Joe could have the same effect on me. But, that's just me. I realize consumers like to put a face to the product their buying. They feel if a celebrity is advertising the product it's now a "must have" & that it will set them apart from others. Our generation especially is very media driven and believes famous people advertise great things. Advertisers adhere to this and therefore, will keep their celeb endorsers coming back!

Advertisments Targeting Children

When I Googled "ads targeting kids" the first image that captured my screen was an ad for

It is said that we are exposed to hundreds of thousands of ads daily without even realizing it. But realistically, as adults, we also have multiple thoughts and ideas running through our brain every second- "What time is my meeting today?" "Where is my appointment this afternoon?" "What am I going to make for dinner for the family when I get home?" ..We have learned to tune the advertisements out and look past them. Now think, as a child, what is on their mind all day? "Who am I going to sit by at lunch?" Children lead a much more simplistic lifestyle so when they are hit with an ad like..McDonald's..that becomes the only thing on their mind. And they won't stop until they get it.

This information is crucial to advertisers because they are now having to gear their ads towards a younger audience. They know if they can capture that 6 year old's attention with a Happy Meal or Ronald McDonald, they have this customer, and the rest of their family in the bag.

What things might these advertisers have to do to snag their target group?
  • create a fun, catchy, and simple tune that is easy for a child to sing along with
  • use bright and fun colors that will grab the kids attention
  • showcase a unique toy that may be included in a kid's meal (for fast food ads)
  • show a memorable character or person the child may already know/relate to (Ronald McDonald)
  • have the commercial showing kids interacting/talking with their parents about the subject to encourage they do the same, resulting in the parent giving into their child's wants.

With children being so influential companies may not find it difficult to advertise to them, and if they can pull the children in at a young enough age the chances that these kids stay loyal over the years are good.

The Ad BEFORE You Were Born

Before the 90's..

AFTER the 90's


What makes an enduring jingle?
Is it the people in the ad?..or the words they are singing?
According to Linda Kaplan Thaler CEO and chief creative officer of New York ad agency the Kaplan Thaler Group..

"It has to have huge sticking power.. a jingle is not
successful if you listen to it once and like it. You have
to listen to it and want to sing it. Essentially you become
the advertiser for the brand."

  • Attitude (create a jingle that's catchy and puts your customer in a good mood)
  • Interest (after listening to the jingle they'll want to try your product)
  • Habit (every time they hear your jingle they'll want your product)
  • Loyalty (when given the option of choosing your product, or a comparative product, they will choose your product)

The main goal of the company should be to have the audience listen to your jingle and immediately want your product. Here's an example:

"I want to buy the world a Coke.." (1971)

I now want to go buy a Coke...

Public Service Announcments

"Anything you post online..anyone can see."

PSA's have been around since the beginning of World War 2. To some, they may seem a little silly, but it has been proven that public service announcements are actually rather effective.

"The PSA's proved so effective that smoking rates
began to decline for the first time in history, the
tobacco industry withdrew all cigarette advertising,
and Congress made such advertising illegal after 1971."
-George Dessart

What do I think of PSA's? Although I feel the writing & acting is rather childish, I can see they are inevitably successful and especially among teens- who are the ones the ads are being geared towards the most. The stories I hear these days about kids in middle school, yes, MIDDLE SCHOOL drinking, doing drugs, and having sex completely disgusts and saddens me at the same time. It is important we, as the older and influential generation reach out to those younger than us and educate them in the harm their actions can bring unto themselves and the loved ones around them. So, as cheesy as they may seem, I feel the advertising dollars that are going towards Public Service Announcements is money money well spent.

Local Advertising

---This is a phrase I'm beginning to hear
more and more on the radio and on television.

The community of Oshkosh is growing and so are the small business!
Downtown Oshkosh is spending and increasing amount of
money on advertising their small businesses and encouraging this city to "shop local." Stores such as Dainty Daisies, Art City Signs, & Oshkosh Good Girl Tattoo & Piercings have been putting their advertisements in the local papers, on television, radio, Facebook, Twitter, flyers, and have used many other outlets to get their name out there and build up some business.

What else does Oshkosh do to advertise locally?
  • Oshkosh has also held an annual style show put on by the Women's Division of Oshkosh where small business located mostly downtown can showcase their small shops and encourage members of the community to stop and visit!
  • Small "etsy" shops not only in Oshkosh but the rest of the Fox Valley join together once a year for "Handmade for the Holidays" where local shops gather at Becket's restaurant and set up their tables of handmade items that they advertise and sell to customers! It's a great way to showcase their talents and sell their one-of-a-kind items!
  • Gallery walk is also something that's been around for a few years. Facebook is becoming one of their biggest forms of advertisement and it's becoming an increasingly larger event that brings members of the Fox Valley downtown to shop and visit small stores up and down Main Street.

Sterotypes in Ads

Media stereotypes are inevitable, especially in advertising. As much as we would like to think it's a thing of the past, it's not. Stereotyping in advertising is still prevalent in today's society, although it may be more subtle then we once remember, it still lingers among us all.
[I think it's safe to say this ad was taken during the 60's
and there was minimal censorship when it came to advertising
but it only helps prove that stereotypes were, and still

are present in advertising.]

While researching the topic of marketing segmentation for my class I came across an article that explained there's a blurry line now that connects "stereotyping" and targeting your desired demographic. There may be a product your company is trying to sell to a young, female, upper-class audience- we'll say a pair of jeans that cost $200 for example- the ad may have a picture of a young, White-American teenage girl. Now would this be considered stereotyping? Some may think yes- because it is insinuating that only White-American girls can afford this pair of jeans when in reality, it's only the company trying to target their demographic. This is just a simple example of problems companies may run in to on a daily basis.

However, there are ads out there that clearly
cross that "blurry line" of just targeting an
audience and completely stereotyping an audience.


Hello to all!
Thank you for visiting my very first blog.

My name is Mackenzie Miller and I am currently a student at the University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh pursuing a Major in Journalism with an emphasis in Public Relations & a Minor in Business.

I have created this blog for a Journalism class of mine where we discuss all the different aspects and roles of advertising and how they impact (or do not impact) our lives. I'll be discussing and sharing different advertisements I've come across that have stuck in my head for good, or bad reasons.

Again I thank you for visiting my blog and I hope you enjoy!